Senin, 12 Februari 2018

When Should Sports, Toward Open or Allowing?

When Should Sports, Toward Open or Allowing?


Jakarta, Choosing the right time for sports when fasting in Ramadan is a bit of a dilemma. Do it in the morning, afternoon or evening, each has its own plus minus.Di morning, the air is still fresh and energy is still prime because of just eating sahur. But thereafter, there is the risk of fatigue and even dehydration if the intensity is excessive. While in the afternoon, the body must be limp-lemasnya to be invited to move. How to best manage the right time According to sports health practitioners, Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO the right time choice for sports when fasting can be determined based on the intensity and purpose. The intensity in question is the weight or lightness of the sport done. Sports can be done in the morning if it aims to keep the body fit and increase the body's metabolism. But keep in mind, in the morning is not recommended to do a strenuous exercise, just a light saja.Berat or light intensity of exercise can be seen from the heartbeat during the move. It could also be an easier way of talking test. If someone can still exercise while chatting, can be said the intensity is light. Conversely, if breathing to wheeze and difficult to speak, sign of the intensity of exercise is quite high. Another advantage of exercise in the morning after the meal is to be done with family. Well there's time together with family, we are healthy, closer family, said Dr. Michael, who also cares for the health consultation rubric in detikHealth.Read also: It's What You Need To Be Adjusted If You Want To Sports When Fasting






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Sports can also be done in the afternoon, before breaking the fast while ngabuburit. Well sports at this time is usually done by people who are already accustomed to doing regular exercise with moderate intesitas.Pada time it may be thirsty, to be hungry, but no problem because after that it was breaking, added Dr. Michael when contacted detikHealth recently . Finally, exercise can also be done at night after Tarawih prayer. Usually sports at night is done by athletes who are devoted to the exercise is quite heavy. Well know what time is suitable for you to exercise? Let's move, do not make fasting as a barrier to a healthier life.




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